Tryout / Team Details
There is a one-time $30 try-out fee that must be paid by cash, check and Venmo only.
Please review the Tryout details and Team details below. If interested in coming to an open gym tryout, please email us.
TRyOUT Details
Each player, whether they are new or a returning player, is required to attend tryouts each year in order to secure a place on a team. All players will be given an equal opportunity to prove themselves during the tryout process. Players should never assume because they were on a team one year that they will automatically be on the exact same team the next year.
Here is a link to the tryout policy from Carolina Region Volleyball: CLICK HERE
USA VOLLEYBALL 2024-25 Age Definition Chart
- 18 and under - Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 or players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 AND a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year.
- 17 and under - Players who were born on or after July 1, 2007.
- 16 and under - Players who were born on or after July 1, 2008.
- 15 and under - Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009.
- 14 and under - Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010.
- 13 and under - Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011.
- 12 and under - Players who were born on or after July 1, 2012.
Here is the tryout and selection process we will use to determine teams for the upcoming season.
Players register for the appropriate tryout based on team type (regional or zonal) and age level.
Regional - will attend Carolina Regional tournaments in NC
Zonal - will attend Carolina Regional tournaments in NC as well as 4-5 National tournaments (NC, SC, VA, TN, etc.)
Players should register at the highest age level that they desire to play. If a player does not make a team at this level, they will automatically be considered for the next level down, and so on.
Players must attend at least one of the tryout sessions for the age groups they are registered. It is beneficial to the player, if the player can attend multiple tryouts.
There is a one-time $30 try-out fee that must be paid in cash, check and Venmo only. This is a non-refundable fee.
Parents are welcome to escort their player in for the check-in process but will not be allowed to remain in the facility during the actual tryout.
Coaches will evaluate players based on basic volleyball skills, team play ability, and overall attitude. Each player will receive an individual score for each component.
At the conclusion of the tryouts, the scores will be combined and sent to the selection committee.
The selection committee will use scores, position availability, and overall play to place players on the appropriate team.
Players will be emailed on team placement or on being put on a waitlist. Teams will be posted on our website after the email offer is sent. Players must let us know within 72 hours of the offer if they are choosing to play or not.
If players have not committed by the above deadline, their spot will be forfeit and will be given to the next person on the waiting list.
There will be a signing event for each age group.
Player / parent contract will be signed ( you must include a copy of birth certificate)
Players will be fitted for uniforms
Uniform fee must be paid in full at this event
Club fee payment arrangements will be made (fundraiser and sponsorship options will be provided to offset some of this cost)
Players will get to meet the team and coaches
Players will need to register as an athlete and obtain an AAU membership and Carolina Region Volleyball membership after September 1st. AAU is $20 or $22 cost and CRV is $55 cost ($30 to Region; $25 to USAV). This must be completed by end of September to play.
Regional TeamS
Regional Team Club Fee: $800 per player
This will consist of teams of 9-11 girls based on skills and age requirements.
The cost covers the following:
Planning for 4-5 Carolina Region Tournaments
Tournament schedule for this team is based on Carolina Regional Junior Schedule; dates are set but locations will be set closer to September
Tournaments occur in January - April
1 Multi-day tournament possible
Practice and Skill Sessions (Nov-April)
At least 2 practice days a week (some Mandatory practice days)
All practice facility rentals and equipment
Coaching fees, registrations, and trainings
Insurance with USAV, JVA, AAU
Online Officiating Clinic
Regional Team Uniform Package: $250 per player
Cost of team package includes 2 jerseys, 1 practice shirt, hoodie, sweat towel and bag.
Individual item prices are as follows:
Jerseys $60 each (required 2)
Hoodie with Name & Number $45 each
Dry fit practice shirts with Sponsors $25 each
Aces Volleyball Gear Bag $80 each
Aces sweat towel $20 each
Players are required to provide their own black spandex, knee pads, elbow pads, volleyball shoes and whistle.
Players are required to provide a Birth Certificate and current physical.
Parents and Players are expected to follow the Carolina Region Behavior Policy.
Once a player accepts a position on a team, they are responsible for payment for the entire season. No refunds are given for players who do not finish any part of the season.
Zonal TeamS
Zonal Team Club Fees: $1,200 per player
This will consist of multiple teams of 9-11 girls set by age group and will be determined by tryout participation.
The cost covers the following:
Possibly 3-5 Carolina Regional 1-day tournaments
Planning for 3-5 two-day tournaments
Tournament schedule for this team is tentative and is subject to change
1 or 2 each month January - May
NC, SC, TN, VA, or GA
Practice and Skill Sessions (Nov-May)
At least 2 practice days a week (Mandatory practice days)
All practice facility rentals and equipment
Coaching fees, registrations, and trainings
Insurance with USAV, JVA, AAU
Online Officiating Clinic
Zonal Team Uniform Package: $250 per player
Cost of team package includes 2 jerseys, 1 practice shirt, hoodie, sweat towel and bag.
Individual item prices are as follows:
Jerseys $60 each (required 2)
Hoodie with Name & Number $45 each
Dry fit practice shirts with Sponsors $25 each
Aces Volleyball Gear Bag $80 each
Aces sweat towel $20 each
Players are required to provide their own pair of black spandex, knee pads, elbow pads, volleyball shoes and whistle.
Players are required to provide a Birth Certificate and current physical.
Parents and Players are expected to follow the Carolina Region Behavior Policy.
Once a player accepts a position on a team, they are responsible for payment for the entire season. No refunds are given for players who do not finish any part of the season.